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Poster presentation at the 37th Rencontres de L’AFAV

Friday 9 February 2024

The 37th Rencontres de l’Association Française pour l’Archéologie du Verre (AFAV) will be held from June 23 to 25, 2023, in Douai.

Archaeologists, historians, museum professionals, glassmakers, curator-restorers, students… all are invited to present their work in 20-minute papers or posters.

Come and chat with glass enthusiasts and discover the preliminary study of the glass from the villa de l’Arribèra deux Gleisiars in Lalonquette (Pyrénées-Atlantique) presented by Ibanez Marine, Sauvaud Lucas, Rossetti Patrick, Réchin François.

Find the full program: https://bit.ly/42SW4o1